I'm a Software Engineer at Microsoft, working on Microsoft Office Engineering. Previously I worked as a research assistant at the S3 lab, while completing my MSc in Computer Science at Purdue University under Fulbright Fellowship. Back in Ukraine, I worked in NetCracker Tech. as a Junior Customer Support Engineer on Telus Project.

I'm interested in all aspects of programming, with my primary interests laying a broad areas of programming languages, compilers and concurrency. I mostly program in R, Go, Swift and Pythin nowadays, but I am have experience with C/C++, Java, Perl, and SQL programming. I would like to consider myself a tool builder, I enjoy developing tools that make programmers' lives easier.


This section contains a list of my selected projects I have worked on. If you are interested only in open-source code, visit my GitHub Profile

R packages

  • GitHub-Mark-32px testR

    testR is the R test generation framework (also available as a package) for unit tests generation from source code, test execution, and translation, and filtering of test cases based on C and R code coverage. Developed as a part of my research assistantship at the S3 lab in Purdue university under the supervision of Jan Vitek. Presented on useR conference(slides) in 2014.

  • GitHub-Mark-32px Pander

    Pander is an R package is to provide a minimal and easy tool for rendering R objects into Pandoc's markdown. I worked on it as part of my proposal for Google Summer of Code 2014 and Google Summer of Code 2015 under supervision of Gergely Daroczi. I have also wrote blog posts about my experience and the worked done - GSoC 2014 and GSoC 2015.

  • GitHub-Mark-32px yummlyr

    R wrapper around for Yummly.com Recipe Search API. Recently published on CRAN.


A research project that explores the results of the combination of generative programming approach (Lightweight modular staging) with self-modidying AST Interpreters (Truffle Framework). This project was done as part of Metaprogramming and Program Generation course under supervision of Prof. Rompf and will be presented at ECOOP's Truffle Workshop

Programming Investigations

I have recently started my personal blog, where I write about once every couple of weeks about different things I am doing in programming and software engineering. Please consider subscribing and any suggestions/comments are welcome.

Roman Tsegelskyi's blog